Ryosuke Kiyasu

About Ryosuke Kiyasu

Ryosuke Kiyasu has been active as a snare drum soloist since 2003 and is also known as a drummer in “SETE STAR SEPT”, “Kiyasu Orchestra”, Mr. Keiji Haino’s band “Fushitsusha”.

He is also known as a founding member of The Endless Blockade in Canada. His solo performances have been featured on BBC News and VICE Magazine, His performance in Berlin in 2018 was a big hit on social media with over 23 million views. he also played the world’s largest classical percussion festival “Überschlag Festival”, “Dr. Martens Fest 23”, “Outsider Art Festival” in Finland, and “Alternativa Festival” in the Czech Republic. He continues to travel around the world and perform in various places.

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